JCI Indication
Bullish (Moderate)
Support /
Resistance: 6,361 – 6,476
Progress in the U.S. - China trade saga
- USTR Robert Lighthizer would travel to Shanghai next
week for meetings with Chinese officials
- WH economic adviser Larry Kudlow expected China to
start buying U.S. agriculture products soon
- Boris Johnson is set to become Britain’s new PM
- Unclear on whether he would lead the country to a
no-deal exit or find a compromise
- Weak grip on power, given the status of
a minority governmen
Japan Flash Composite PMI (July)
- Up to 51.2 from 50.8, the fastest expansion pace in
seven months
- Flash Manufacturing PMI (July)
- Edged up to 49.6 from a final 49.3,
third straight month of contraction
Flash Services PMI (July)
- Climbed to 52.3, the highest level
since February, up from a final 51.9 in June
MTDL targets revenue and net profit
growth of 12% and 12.5% in 2019 ??respectively. The company will boost growth
by relying on product diversification. For information, in 1H19 the revenue
grew 13.65% from IDR 5.42 trillion to IDR 6.16 trillion YoY.
URBN has bought 61 plots of land worth
IDR 362.1 billion in East Jakarta to run the company's main activities. For
information, URBN revenues at the end of 2018 amounted to IDR 332.64 billion,
up 809% YoY.
JSMR's consolidated revenue fell 25% to
IDR 13.83 trillion in 1H19 due to 44% decline in construction income from IDR
93.33 billion to IDR 50.24 billion YoY.
Short Term Trend: Sideways
Medium Term Trend: Sideways
Spec Buy : 1,650
Target Price 1: 1,700
Target Price 2: 1,750
Stop Loss: 1,605
Stock: *ELSA*
Short Term Trend: Sideways
Medium Term Trend: Uptrend
Trade Buy : 366
Target Price 1: 376
Target Price 2: 384
Stop Loss: 358
Stock: *APLN*
Short Term Trend: Bearish
Medium Term Trend: Sideways
Spec Buy : 212
Target Price 1: 224
Target Price 2: 234
Stop Loss: 204
PT Phillip Securities Indonesia
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Tel +62-21 5790 0800 Fax +62-21 5790 0809
Website: www.phillip.co.id